Monday 25 November 2013

First Week…. First Steps

Run No.1

I’m sitting on the sofa in my work clothes hearing the little voice in my head (lets call him Steve),  Steve is already throwing negative talk at me… Maybe you could start tomorrow, its freezing outside (for the record it is!) you haven’t run in weeks…. But something is different with my running now, I have more of a reason to lace up and run – in 16 weeks time I will be competing in the Newport Half Marathon and will be raising money for the British Heart Foundation. I use the word competing rather than running due to my competitive nature, but I’m realistic enough to know I have no chance of getting anywhere near the top runners but would be ecstatic to break the 2 hour mark which is my goal.

I convince Steve to agree for me to put on my running clothes which actually makes me feel good already! It’s amazing how wearing sports clothes can make people feel fitter and healthier.

It feels great lacing up my running shoes (which I have bought recently from My Moti after having Gait analysis) the half marathon seems a long time away at the moment but getting out the door in the freezing cold for this first run will be a minor success.

I haven’t run in 5 weeks after having a car accident, which caused problems in my neck that forced me to have some time off that lead to me getting out of habit with training and strangely I feel pretty good through the first mile silencing Steve sooner than I expected.  Spurred on by how I feel I pushed on through mile 2 at slightly slower pace than mile 1 but still feeling pretty happy with myself. Moving into the last mile of my 5k run I start to feel it a little and Steve begins to take over, I agree to slow down a bit not wanting to push it after a few weeks off and wanting to run again in 2 days.

I complete my first 5k run back in 27.20 mins, 2 mins 20 off my PB. I’m thrilled I got out the door to run, I’m pretty happy with how I felt along with the fact I’m not miles off where I left off 5 weeks ago and to be honest I probably could have pushed harder.

To top off a great run I come home to see I have my first two sponsors. I can’t wait for my next run in two days.

Run No.2

My legs were a bit stiff and tired the day after my run but with 48 hours rest I set out eager to complete another 5k and build my weekly mileage up. Its freezing and dark once again outside (though no sign of Steve) and I’m happy I have invested in a pair of running gloves and a florescent running top to keep me warm and viable.

The first mile hits me hard and I’m struggling feeling like I’m running slow and feeling it, Steve is now in full flow telling me I have not left enough rest time after having so long off, I should slow down and even stop. But I have to push on through, I have to train and this struggle is little compared to what so many people are going through in hospitals everywhere.

Something interesting happens when I get vocal feedback from my Endomondo App. I have completed the first mile quicker than the average pace for my 5k PB. This surprises me as I felt like I was running slow and to be honest struggling a bit. 

Motivated by this I continue to run at this pace through mile two and start to feel good running with good stride and tempo. My audio feedback again tells me I’m running around my PB pace and I’m set to finish the run just passed my PB. The feeling didn’t last long as soon after the 2 mile mark I start to feel heavy and my stride shortens not helped by the fact I have a cramp in my stomach (I think I have drank too much fluid on the run too early). I decide I’m pretty happy I have run at this pace for 2 miles and slow down slightly ensuring I finish the run strong enough. 

I finish in 26 mins 10 seconds, 1 min 10 quicker than my first run and only 1 min 10 slower than my PB.

Run two completed in a better time than last time out, for all of Steve’s worry it turned out well, Time to focus on rest and recovering in preparation for a longer run over the weekend.

Run No.3

Today I’m setting out to run 5 miles. My last long run over 6 weeks ago was 8 miles,  in which I achieved in 1 hr 20 mins.

 Im feeling less optimistic today, a bit tired from not sleeping well last night. I start a bit slower, conscious of the long run ahead and keen to just complete the distance. I finish the first mile in 9.11, which considering how I felt opening the door is not a bad pace. However as I predicted, during mile 2 I start to struggle and have to slow down slightly while starting to seriously question if I’m going to be able to complete 5 miles.

The route takes me towards to point where I can go back towards home for a 5k distance or continue away from home to my 5 mile planned route. Steve is trying his hardest to convince me to do the 5k but I manage to turn left and head towards the 5 mile route, another minor success.

Strangely once I cross the 5k distance I begin to have a boost of energy and my stride starts to lengthen and I’m feeling good again. I start to pick up the pace up building towards 8 min 29 seconds per mile with 1 mile left to go.

Im sure now I’m not only going to complete the distance but have had a much stronger finish than first thought and I’m thankful I hadn’t turned left and opted for the 5k route.

I complete the 5 mile distance in 45 min 35 seconds. If I had continued for another mile I would have been on key to beat my 10k PB.

Feeling tired but fulfilled it seems as though having a purpose and reason to run has spurred me on when I have needed it. I only hope this feeling continues through any setback I am no doubt going to get.

I saw a quote this week that said running is not competing against other runners but the voice in your head… in my case Steve. It seems like this week I have won in my battle vs Steve.

I know this will be an ongoing battle as I continue to work towards my goal of running the Newport Half Marathon and raising over £250 for the British Heart Foundation.

Please sponsor me via or text WEBBJ86 £3/5/10 to 70070

The greatest journey begins with the first step

Welcome to my blog about running, I’m a runner from Caerphilly and I am setting out on a journey to run a half marathon in Newport during March to raise money for the British Heart Foundation.

I have set up this blog not for the purpose to share my thoughts or experience with the world (I doubt if anyone will even read my blogs!), But for a personal purpose of reflection and recording of my progress towards my goal. If one person reads my story and takes something from it then great!

A few weeks ago my mother in law had a heart attack; she is 53 and led a healthy lifestyle. It was a big shock for the family and everyone who knows her and does make you lose faith in eating well and being active. She was very lucky to survive and thanks to the staff at the hospital and the British Heart Foundation she continues to get stronger and to live her life, others are not as lucky.

Having been running for a few years on and off (more so this year), I have signed up to the half marathon in March, a distance I have completed once before in a race and a handful of times in training (though being a lot younger than I am now!). I am running the HM because I want to raise money for a great charity that does some fantastic work and to raise awareness about the BHF.

My blog will feature my journey along the way through the ups and no doubt the downs building towards my race in March.

Please sponsor me via or text WEBBJ86 £3/5/10 to 70070

Feel free to leave any comments of support below.