Monday 25 November 2013

The greatest journey begins with the first step

Welcome to my blog about running, I’m a runner from Caerphilly and I am setting out on a journey to run a half marathon in Newport during March to raise money for the British Heart Foundation.

I have set up this blog not for the purpose to share my thoughts or experience with the world (I doubt if anyone will even read my blogs!), But for a personal purpose of reflection and recording of my progress towards my goal. If one person reads my story and takes something from it then great!

A few weeks ago my mother in law had a heart attack; she is 53 and led a healthy lifestyle. It was a big shock for the family and everyone who knows her and does make you lose faith in eating well and being active. She was very lucky to survive and thanks to the staff at the hospital and the British Heart Foundation she continues to get stronger and to live her life, others are not as lucky.

Having been running for a few years on and off (more so this year), I have signed up to the half marathon in March, a distance I have completed once before in a race and a handful of times in training (though being a lot younger than I am now!). I am running the HM because I want to raise money for a great charity that does some fantastic work and to raise awareness about the BHF.

My blog will feature my journey along the way through the ups and no doubt the downs building towards my race in March.

Please sponsor me via or text WEBBJ86 £3/5/10 to 70070

Feel free to leave any comments of support below.

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