Monday 2 December 2013

Week 2 - Me and my Monkey

Since my first week blog a few people have been asking about Steve (My monkey). For those who have not read my first weeks blog, unfortunately I don’t own a pet monkey! Steve is the voice in my head who keeps me company on the long cold runs in the wilderness of the valleys on my own. I became aware of the concept when reading the Chimp Paradox by Dr Steve Peters (I would recommend you read it!) it helps you challenge your negative thoughts and understand their meanings.

It might sound like I’m crazy, but I think everyone has a voice challenging them constantly and telling them what they can and can’t do (mostly CANT). I have began to realise that the biggest challenge facing me each day is winning the race and fight against Steve that will make me achieve my goals and keep running……..

Run No.4
After the success of my first week back disaster has struck. The day after my weekend long run I wake up with a cold (not quite man flu) feeling tired and congested.

All ready to head out during my lunch break
Being in a buoyant mood after my first week and keen not to let this get the better of me, I stay positive. I spend a few days between planned runs keeping hydrated and taking medicine. The plan is to hopefully catch it early and stop it from spreading to my throat, which normally happens and leads to me having tonsillitis.

Thankfully by the time of my 4th run I’m feeling better more almost clear!

Due to work commitments my 4th run takes place during my lunch break (something I’m not overly keen on doing). As I get changed and lace up Steve joins me and highlights how much the last few days is going to impact on my run and set me back and to not expect anything good today.

I agree, just happy that with the way I have been feeling I’m getting out the door, however Steve does mention the fact that if I struggle bad it might be a rush to get back on time for the end of my lunch break, which doesn’t help.

I head off running a new route with new surroundings that seems to help and I’m enjoying the break from the office and feeling quite ok.

Surprisingly the first audio feedback comes back telling me I have covered the first mile in just over 8 mins, feeling pretty good with that outcome I continue to press on through the second mile thinking if i can get two good miles in after the last few days and finish slow it won’t be so bad. Again in mile two I have finished even faster under 8 mins and now pretty much on course for a PB for 5k if I can maintain the pace.

As ever other the last mile keen to maintain the pace I end up speeding up and finding it really tough battling with Steve who wants me to stop and slow down. Im set on pushing hard as I know I’m on to beat my time at this rate.

Chuffed to bits with my PB
Amazingly I finish the 5k run in 24 mins 39 seconds albeit a 21 seconds improvement, but giving the last few days, having 6 weeks off and only one week of training I’m pretty ecstatic with that.

Im hoping to complete a 10k run on the weekend which will be a real test, PB again? why not!

Run No.5

Feeling a bit tired today and my legs feel a little heavy from the 5k run 2 days ago, I decide to take todays 5k run easy for the first mile and do some speed work through mile 2.

Setting off I feel quite relaxed taking in my surroundings on my normal route but reversed. Thoughts on my progress so far enter my mind still surprised at my PB a few days ago.

As I hit the 2 mile stage conveniently on a road with lampposts that are spaced out evenly I begin some speed work alternating running and slow jogging 10 times over. It always gives you a good feeling when you run fast almost sprint especially when you legs are a little tired. I am happy I completed the amount I have and continue through the final mile slowing down a little but feeling fulfilled and happy with my efforts.

No weekend run…..

Unfortunately after the speed session I woke up the next day with my shins hurting and fearing my shin splints are coming back I decide to take the weekend off and make up the miles in next weeks training.

It has been a positive week with achieving a PB and my first speed session back, time to start racking up the miles next week hoping to complete a 10k run.

Please sponsor me  or text WEBBJ86 to 70070.

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