Sunday 8 December 2013

Week 3 - PB after PB

Run No.6

Taking the weekend off has turned out to be a good decison as my shins are feeling much better and hopefully wont cause me an issue on my run. Im siting watching TV really not feeling like getting out the door. Steve is coming up with some crazy excuses as normal trying to make sense of it being ok not to run. For the first time I have been forced out of routine of my weekend run and  the buzzing feeling I had after bettering my 5k PB last week has gone.

After missing a session over the weekend I realize I have to run and set out to find a video on YouTube to give me some inspiration to put my trainers on and run.

Then I come across this beauty, before the video finishes and my goosebumps settle im already upstairs getting changed and ready to get going!
First 10k run and a PB feeling good!

I planned to run a 10k over the weekend and decide to give it a go, grabing one of my new SIS Go Energy Gel bars to try on the run I head out the door in good spirits feeling relaxed.

Starting off running slower than my 5k pace again (as I did with the 5 mile run I completed recently) I strangly find it difficult with the pace. Seriously considering again to just complete a 5k (after conversing with Steve) I decide to keep going knowing I felt the same at this point over the first 2 miles in the 5 mile run and knowing I have my gel sachet in my pocket.

At mile 3 im doing ok and looking at finishing within the hour mark. I try out my new SIS Gel Energy which seems to give me both a mental and physical boost shortly after and I keep pressing through.

So far I am averaging about 9 min per mile but take a tough turn during mile 4 with the course presenting some hard up hill climbs which take their toll and drop my time right down predicitng a finish time outside the hour mark. While my intention is to finish the distance the competitivness in me wants to push harder and break that hour mark. I take the rest of my gel sachet and pick up the pace.

Coming towards the 5th mile mark I expirence a brieft feeling of the runners high! that feeling that your floating across the ground and can keep going all day...... the downside to this is you tend to pick up the pace even more and going into the last mile im starting to feel it in my legs and my mind, Steve is doing cartwheels!

On the final 1/2 mile point i realize im not only going to break the hour mark but also my PB and dig deep to get that extra bit off the time.

I finish the 10k in 56 mins 39 seconds a 2 min 56 sec improvment on my previous PB. Im hugly supprised by this result and happy I have covered the distance. I have learnt alot over the run, mainly to keep going even if I am struggling a bit at the start to see what happens and that I will get through it and feel good after a few miles. More importantly my shins feel ok!

Im looking forward to my next run, although I intend on taking it easy after this effort.

Run No.7

I'm feeling quite fresh today despite running a 10k PB 48 hours ago. Although once again I'm not really feeling too motivated to run and Steve starts racking up the excuses.... It's dark, it's really cold, you will struggle after doing that 10k run! I decide to watch the video again to see if it will work a second time. Thankfully it does and I'm laced up and out the door. I am keen to do 4 miles today at 10k pace and set out feeling positive through the darkness of the night and in the cold seeing my breath in the air.

Feeling happy after over 10 miles run in 48 hours
Over the first two miles I'm feeling pretty good and relaxed and even Steve is feeling quite positive and good for a change.

Running a new route through a park where I used to play football along with other sport and past the castle it brings some great views and takes my mind off the fact that it's so cold even my fingers inside my gloves are turning numb. 

I'm still feeling pretty good powering up a long inclined hill into the 3rd mile warming slightly as I move towards the tail end of my run.

My legs begin to stiffen over the last mile towards the end of my route, feeling the miles I have covered in 48 hours and I finish the run in 35 mins 37 seconds.

Another run complete and 10 miles in 3 days, I'm happy and looking forward to my next run.  

Now I'm starting to feel the benefits of my training and see the improvements I'm making.

Run No.8

So I've had my first christmas party and taken a extra days rest since my last run to recover from a late night, although as I'm training I was quite good and only had a few beers conscious of my hard work being undone along with my weekend run being effected.

With this in mind I'm a bit apprehensive of how the run is going to go but after beating my PB and already pretty much running more miles this week than I have in a long time over a week period I will be happy to see how the run pans out and run to feel.

I'm heading out to do a 10k again the same route as my last 10k a few days ago. Over the first two miles I'm feeling good running at a good pace and feeling relaxed.

Steve starts to worry I'm running a bit quick considering the weekend I have had, but after reading the book running with the Kenyans and noting some of the key messages, I decide to keep running at this pace as I feel ok and I felt I could have given a little more on the last 10k.

As last time with some of the tough hills through mile 4 it hits me hard again and my lace slows down but I make up the time coming downhill the other side picking the pace right up. I am well on time to beat my PB and maybe break the 55 min mark something I have aimed for.

Feeling great after breaking my PB again
I continue to press on through mile 5 feeling good rhythm and my strides are consistent. Knowing now I'm on to better my last 10k and PB, I push the bar higher on my pace and dig deep to try and chip more and more into the predicted finish time.

Sending most of the last mile with my eyes closed, shoulders rocking from side to side and arms pumping passed my sides I complete the distance in 54 min 22 seconds, which is a 2 min 17 improvement.

I am so happy with the time and the fact I have increased my mileage over this week running over 16 miles achieving a PB and then breaking it again.

I can't wait until next week to see what it brings, I'm keen to keep pushing the miles I cover upwards and more importantly I have reached £200 sponsorship.

Please sponsor me or text WEBBJ £5/£10£/20 to 70070 any sponsorship helps.

Leave a message of support below or follow me on twitter @webbertjason

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